Sharing stories from unheard voices

An intergenerational oral history project

Who Cares? explores and illuminates the life stories of older people living in care homes.

Through verbatim theatre pieces created by A-Level Drama and Acting Diploma students, and through a series of podcast episodes, Who Cares? reveals the fascinating and varied life experiences of 12 people living in six south London care homes.

Who Cares? brings people together to talk, listen and learn from each other.

It all started with oral history interview training for our young people. The students learned key life story interviewing skills and then went to meet our residents. Working with drama facilitators, they then devised verbatim theatre pieces based on the residents’ lives. In the meantime, we got to know the residents’ carers, friends and family and created podcast episodes which tell the story of their daily lives and experiences up till now.

Watch our short video to find out how the project has unfolded in schools and care homes across south London.

John Parker,
care home participant 

“What’s delighted me is the whole idea of carrying through from the past the ideas and the knowledge and the memories that other people have had into this time and passing them on, in the hope that some of the children who took part may understand that history, and how it in fact affects their lives.”